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Discount Program

Wilderness Medicine Course Discount Program 

As the longest-serving sponsor of wilderness medicine courses in Southern California, Adventure Risk Management realizes the cost and time impacts of this incredibly valuable training. As course sponsor, we try to offer various ways to mitigate these costs so that you can obtain the training you need….

WFR or WEMS Upgrade Tuition Discount program- Early Registration discounts

WFR Courses: $100 discount for registrations received on full WFR courses at least 60 days prior to course start date!

WEMS Courses: $100 discount for registrations received on WEMS courses at least 90 days prior to course start date!


All other courses:

Apply EACH of these discounts as they apply to your Registration Request:

Example: WFR registration, paid by check, Alumni of two previous ARM or WO wilderness medicine course: Deduct $35 from your tuition!

To apply Discount: In the ‘Payment Information’ section of the Registration Form, adjust the tuition amount according to discount- make note in your Registration of the discounts you are applying, and the date of your previous ARM or WO course (if applicable).